Selected writing
Siddhartha Mukherjee on How Cellular Medicine Could Fight Cancer, Diabetes WSJ
These researchers think poop could unlock athletic supremacy. Are they right? ESPN
How HIV became a matter of international security Mosaic Science
Welcome to the future, a place where everyone knows your genetic code Futurism
Cholera's nasty comeback The Guardian
The fake drug industry is exploding, and we can’t do anything about it Newsweek
We Are Astonishingly Good At Curing Childhood Cancer. Why? Popular Science
A controversial procedure to restore the clitoris after FGM Vocativ
These DNA diet apps want to rule your health Backchannel
Authentic Drugs Tagged with Plant DNA Could Help Snare Fake Meds Scientific American
How To Improve Airport Security BBC Autos
The Surgeon Will Skype You Now Popular Mechanics
Can A Blood Test Diagnose Mental Illness? The Daily Beast
Why It's Almost Impossible To Teach A Robot To Do Your Laundry Matter
The Race To Build A Search Engine For Your DNA IEEE Spectrum
Gifted education in America is finally moving past its legacy of inequality Quartz
The key to helping kids learn problem solving is a computer science class Quartz
How Kamala Harris’ extended school day bill could affect teachers and kids Quartz
What Would A School for 3-Year-Olds Even Look Like? New York Magazine
High Stress High School The Atlantic
Is The U.S. Focusing Too Much On STEM? The Atlantic
Could compulsory voting save democracies in crisis? Quartz
The US election proves there’s no such thing as the ‘Latino vote’ Quartz
How cities can reimagine their police forces and still fight crime Quartz
From apologies to denials, a guide to the complex world of post-Me Too comebacks Quartz
The women behind one of NYC’s top restaurants on why building culture is easier than changing it Quartz
HBO’s Theranos documentary highlights the double-edged sword for women in tech Quartz
How corporate leaders can respond to employee activism Quartz
How climate change will transform what it means to be a homeowner Quartz
It’s time for the ‘lipstick index’ to go away for good Quartz
Coronavirus is a moment of reckoning for global supply chains Quartz
Why bankruptcy is rarely the end for retailers in dire straits Quartz